Metal Gear Solid Mobile (N-Gage)
Reset Generation (N-Gage)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (N-Gage)
Boom Blox (N-Gage)
Bounce: Boing Voyage (N-Gage)
Brothers in Arms (N-Gage)
Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 3D (N-Gage)
Dirk Dagger and the Fallen Idol (N-Gage)
FIFA 09 (N-Gage)
One (N-Gage)
Pro Series Golf (N-Gage)
Call of Duty: Finest Hour (Xbox, PS2, Gcube, N-Gage) – Sodan keskipisteessä
Pathway to Glory (N-Gage) – Globalisoitu sota